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Become a Tribute
Enter the Arena
Claim the title of Victor

While it may not be much help in the middle of an actual battle, in many ways, the pen is mightier than the sword (or in this case, the keyboard). And we're here to prove that point! The Arena is a monthly flash fiction challenge that inspires writers to put their story-telling skills to the test. It's a great way to hone your writing muscles, learn knew skills, and earn some fame amongst our community. The best part? It costs nothing to participate!


Join Our Discord

The Arena is hosted on our community Discord, so you'll have to join to participate. But don't worry! Even if you aren't familiar with the chat, Discord is super easy to figure out (and the Writer Game staff is here to help you out any way we can). 


Participate in the Monthly Arena Challenge

At the beginning of each month we post a new Arena challenge (aka writing prompt). Any time during the month, participants can write a 200-word or less story inspired by the prompt, and post it in the designated Arena channel for others to read, and comment encouraging thoughts on. 


Earn fame

When the challenge is over, our founder, Julia Skinner, picks her favorite story, and names it the winner of that month's challenge! The author and his/her story is featured on the Discord and this website. Besides the chance of winning the challenge, participants will get experience with having their work read by others, and will have the opportunity to receive (and give) encouragement for the writing journey!

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